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fully understand the composition of your electricity bill

IAMMETER-cloud provides various reports.


  • Billing Reports
  • Energy Consumption Analysis
  • Load Analysis
  • Other Analysis

This article focuses on the first group - Billing Reports.


Energy Usage and Billing

This report focuses on energy consumption and electricity costs. If a TOU (Time of Use) tariff template is used, it will also display the energy consumption during standard, peak, and off-peak periods.

How to support various tariff templates in IAMMETER-cloud

  • View both energy consumption and electricity costs simultaneously.
  • Supports daily and monthly views of energy consumption and electricity costs.


Billing & Income

This is an advanced version of the first report (“Energy Usage and Billing”).

You only need one meter installed on the grid side to use this report.

Since IAMMETER meters have a bidirectional measurement feature, they can simultaneously monitor grid consumption and feed-in, helping to analyze daily electricity costs and income.


Bill & Income & Saving

This report requires monitoring both inverter generation and grid consumption/feed-in.

It can analyze hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly self-use rates, helping you optimize your PV system to improve self-consumption rates.

Note: This report only appears when using the IAMMETER PV monitoring application.

Monitor your solar PV in IAMMETER

Monitor single-phase, split-phase,three-phase solar pv system


For the calculation of Direct Self-use Rate, please refer to Solar Report.

Monthly Bill Forecast

Forecast monthly electricity bills. For details, see Energy Forecast.


Multi-Months Bill Report

This report helps generate electricity bills for billing periods longer than one month. (Some countries use two, three, or four months as one billing cycle.)


[Free Access] Battery Simulation and Billing Analysis

This is an extremely cool feature:

  • Helps customers evaluate the potential benefits of introducing a battery storage system before installation.
  • Helps customers analyze actual electricity costs under different tariff templates.

Most importantly, this feature is now available on the open platform EFSS User Manual, and users can access it without registering for IAMMETER.

Evaluate the benefits of introducing a battery storage system

the benefit of 2013 after introducing a battery storage system

Analyze electricity costs under different tariff templates

